Mixdown Media Productions. Welcome to another episode of the Podcast Therapist. I'm your host, Shannon Hernandez, radio broadcaster, podcaster, and podcast producer.
And today's episode is going to be a dry, a dry version, a short version of the Podcast Therapist for a couple of reasons. Well, it is a brand new year, but also there have been some developments that have been going on in my own personal life that I'll try to explain to a degree where you hopefully will be able to understand. And I'm pretty sure that you will be able to understand.
But first, I want to send my warmest wishes to you, podcasters, podcast entrepreneurs, podcast solopreneurs, podcast small businesses, those of you trying to make an impact in promoting your podcast online. Happy New Year to you. I hope that this new year is nothing but filled with nothing but prosper for you.
That's what I want for you. And that's what I want to try to give to you from the perspective of someone who has been doing radio for 20 plus years, 25 years. Actually, this month is 25 years that I've been in radio, but to share with you the techniques that I use to promote not only things on the radio, but how those are congruent with what we do with podcasts and how you can make them congruent with podcasting.
So that is what my goal is. Now, as far as, you know, the style of episode today is concerned, this is really more about, this is not about a burnout situation. It is not that at all.
This is more along the lines of just taking care of your own, taking care of family. And as I have mentioned before, elderly parents, my parents have been my closest and dearest confidants, my friends, you know, for my adult life. I've gone to them for whatever I have needed help with.
And in fact, up to this point, I mean, we're talking last week. I love to work on my car and I love to work on my car with my dad and he's still very willing to help me out at 80 years old, but that's not the reason why I am making this episode. There have been other reasons that, you know, helping them out.
My dad is very much in shape, but as far as my mother is concerned, you know, she has slowed down just a bit. And so trying to help her out has been something that has been a top priority for not only my father, but also myself. Now, with that being said, I want to talk to you about the importance of something such as batching your episodes.
Now, I did not batch episodes. Well, let's take that back. I have batched some episodes for this podcast, but I have not been able to make them internet worthy.
I've not been able to make them worthy of being published on the internet. I don't want to sound contradictory to what I was talking about last week when we were talking about burnout. What I'm trying to say is that I have quality episodes that I want to be found on the internet so that people can find what they're looking for on the internet.
Now, these episodes I recorded a while back, so these will likely not be on YouTube. They will only be on my RSS feeds for Apple Podcasts and Spotify, but there will probably be at one point a video for that on YouTube so that it can get the search discovery that it deserves so that it can help out people with their podcast. But there are batched episodes.
I just have not had a moment to sit down and actually work on those. That's actually something that I'm planning on doing sometime today, if I can get a chance. So, you know, that just depends on, you know, what needs my parents need today.
So that's something where we are going to, we're going to try to work on today. My next point is that, you know, I need to take some of my own advice. Now, kind of remember, I understand, look, I understand that some of you are trying to get this podcast thing to become a business while others do have a business.
You have maybe a brick -and-mortar business or maybe you have a consulting business and this is something that you cannot take a break from. I understand that completely and 100%. But let's take a step back and look at what it means when it comes to promoting and marketing your podcast.
Promoting your marketing your podcast can take a break. It can take a break. Now, if there's campaigns that are already set up and they're ready to go, hopefully you have a team that is behind you that will be able to help you manage those campaigns, you know, while you need to take a step back.
Fortunately for myself, I don't have any campaigns going right now. I don't have anything moving along. I have some scheduled posts that I've created for LinkedIn, but you know, it's nothing that is heavy, nothing that has dollar signs tied to it.
And I just want to remind you that that is something that is not on my end. However, on your end, you must take care of yourself, take care of your business, make sure the business continues to thrive so that you can continue to provide value to the community and the marketplace that you are in. So I just have to take my own advice right now and I have to remind myself to take a break.
The algorithm will adjust to me when I do come back. I do have episodes ready to go and I do have topics that I do want to talk about. All right.
Now, let's let's talk about this next point as far as episodes are concerned. There are episodes that I do want to talk about the episodes that I do want to talk about have to relate to video and I know that there are podcasters that will fall on either side of this. I guess preference of delivering podcast content.
However, video is something that I think that I should address because there was a video that I posted many years ago on my YouTube channel about should you put your podcast up on YouTube and at the time I said a bad idea. I now have to take that back. I have to eat.
I have to I have to say look podcasting on YouTube is actually a good thing and there are really good reasons why you should have a podcast on YouTube doesn't mean you have to but I will share with you. Not only my reasons of why you should have a podcast on YouTube, but the reasons why it will help. Expand your universe in terms of getting visibility for your business and your podcast YouTube did this this event.
I keep talking about this event and I have written down notes for it. I just have not been able to sit down and talk about it. All right, I've not been able to talk about it.
And here's the thing you can't find that video anywhere online because YouTube is taking it down but you'll have to rely on the notes that I share with you when that episode does come. I promise it will come so there will be future episodes. I just have to get them ready for the internet make sure they are searchable discoverable.
That's what is important to me right now, but the highest importance is my family and I want to assure I want to ensure to you that this is not a burnout situation. This is a family situation and any one of us and any of you would probably do the same you would give the shirt off of your bag. The bed in your home to your parents or to your family that you are so close to or a loved one doesn't even have to be family just someone that is very close to you.
You would do that to ensure that they are doing. Okay. All right.
Now everything is fine in my family. Everything is great. But this moment is requiring me to step up for my parents.
So I want to thank you so much for your understanding. This is I would say that this is not exactly how I wanted to start 2025, but I'm a big believer in the fact that life flows and you have to kind of go with that flow. You know, we can try to control all that we we have in our lives, but we can't control everything and some things just come into our lives and they kind of take control and we just have to work with that flow.
That's what I'm trying to do in this particular circumstance while managing my own emotional and mental health. And that's I think one of the most important things that we have to do is we have to we have to manage our emotional and mental health because that can lead to definitely lead to the burnout that I talked about in the previous episode. I'll leave a link to that in the show notes of this particular podcast episode.
If you are interested in listening to that or just go to the previous episode, we'll figure out the easiest way for you to go ahead and listen to that. I want to thank you for your understanding. Thank you so much for listening to this episode very short episode.
I wish you nothing but the best in 2025. I will be back. Hopefully next week.
If not, don't hold it against me, but I will most definitely do my best to get an episode out next week more than likely just going to be on the RSS feed not on the YouTube feed. We will work on this. Okay.
Thank you so much. We'll see you next time.